Frangi Giuseppe

He is the President of the Giovanni Testori Association, which he founded in 1998, and the Vice President of Casa Testori, a cultural hub for the promotion of contemporary art in Novate Milanese. He is the editorial coordinator of Vita non profit, a monthly magazine of which he was the director from 2001 to 2016. He collaborates with La Repubblica, l’Eco di Bergamo, La Provincia di Como, and He curates the covers of the monthly magazine Arbiter, which are entrusted to a different artist each month. He also engages in critical activities by reviewing exhibitions for Alias, the Sunday supplement of Il Manifesto. He is a board member of the Opera del Duomo di Siena and a member of the steering committee of the Abbonamento Musei association. Throughout his journalistic career, he has also worked for Il Sabato, 30 giorni, L’informazione, La Stampa, and Class

ultimo aggiornamento: 22 July 2019