Fedriga Massimiliano

Born in Verona in 1980, married and the father of two children, he grew up and studied in Trieste, where he earned a high school diploma in science, a bachelor’s degree in communication sciences and a master’s degree in communication analysis and management.
He has worked as a marketing manager for several companies in the Northeast. Secretary of the Trieste League first and then of the regional League, in 2008 he was first elected to the Chamber of Deputies and reappointed in the 2013 and 2018 general elections. In Parliament he has been particularly involved in Labor, serving since 2014 as President of the League’s parliamentary group.
On April 29, 2018, he was elected President of the Region and subsequently confirmed on April 29, 2023.
On January 26, 2020 he became a member of the Committee of the Regions and later joined the Civex and Econ Commissions.
On April 9, 2021, he was elected President of the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces.