Dell’Asta Adriano

Adriano Dell’Asta (1952), a philosophy graduate at the Catholic University of Milan, associate professor of Russian Language and Literature, after being Director of the Italian Institute of Culture in Moscow from 2010 to 2014, teaches Russian Language and Literature at the Catholic University of Brescia and Milan.
Scholar of Russian Studies Class at the Ambrosian Academy, is vice president of the Christian Russia Foundation and member of the International Scientific Committee of the magazine “La Nuova Europa”; member of the editorial board of Charkiv magazine “Koinonija” and of the scientific committee of the magazine “Colloquia mediterranea”, is also part of the Consultant Committee of the journal of the Catholic Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, “Humanitas”.
In his research activity, he focused in particular on some central cruxes of Russian culture in the 19th and 20th centuries, following above all the origins of religious philosophy and art and literature in his relations with power. He has published over a hundred scientific contributions and has participated in numerous national and international conferences and seminars.
In the field of philosophy and religious culture he has been involved with thinkers such as Berdjaev, S.N. Bulgakov, Florenskij and Solov’ëv (the latter author is treating the Italian edition of the Works for “The House of Matriona”). In literary style, in addition to the classics of the nineteenth century (in particular with several essays on Dostoevsky), he has dealt with some of the greatest authors of the twentieth century: Babel ‘, M.A. Bulgakov, Grossman, Sinjavskij, Solzhenitsyn, Salamov. Among the most recent work in this area is the care of the Italian edition (for Mondadori’s Meridiani) of novels and tales of M.A. Bulgakov (2000) and All the works of I.E. Babel ‘(2006). Later, a collection of essays on Russian literature from the 19th and 20th centuries has been published in Russian: V bor’be za real’nost ‘(Fighting for reality), Duch i Litera, Kyiv 2012.