Banfi Alessandro

Alessandro Banfi, (Turin 26 September 1959), journalist, is currently a freelancer and TV author. For Mediaset Banfi was Director of TgCom24, the all-news channel of the Biscione networks. He was also responsible, always as manager, for Pomeriggio 5 hosted by Barbara D’Urso in the 2016-2017 edition. He was also the author of the late-night in-depth program on Canale 5 “Matrix” for more than 10 years, first with Enrico Mentana then with Alessio Vinci, then in the latest edition with Nicola Porro. In 2011 he hosted his own political in-depth program on Rete4 in prime time called “La Versione di Banfi”. Also for Rete4 he signed the edition of the newspaper “Stasera Italia” hosted by Barbara Palombelli, from January to June 2019. He taught at the Holden writing school in Turin, called by Alessandro Baricco. He wrote for the Corriere della Sera. He currently also collaborates with the National Order of Journalists as a teacher of training courses.