Speaker: Maestro Pier Paolo Bellini.
Interpreters: SchuberT trio.
In 1836 Robert Schumann wrote a commentary to the trio on the pages of his «Neue Zeitschrift für Musik». A few strokes, but intense and effective: a second movement “like a sigh that grows to become anguish”. Lights and shadows look out and alternate in these pages of pure sound magic, creating strongly romantic antitheses: joy and love, good and evil – we would say – in continuous competition. An authentic journey, made up of stories and characters, of events and of a conclusive synthesis, corroborated by a solid and “classical” form, but full of twists and sudden changes of course.
When a great artist finds a beautiful motif, sooner or later he repeats it and that melody becomes like a refrain, which, recursive, determines the main memory of a certain piece of music. Here then emerge one of the most melancholy beautiful melodies of our musical history; all the second movement is built on the call and variation of this melody. When he finds a beautiful theme, a man would not want anything else; so is the characteristic of paradise: you can not wish for anything else. This is happiness: not being able to wish for anything else because it has been accomplished. (Luigi Giussani)