2024 Program

* = pending confirmation.
Thursday 22 August
In collaboration with Cdo
Francesco Maria Chelli, President of ISTAT; Andrea Dellabianca, President of the Compagnia delle Opere; Maria Porro, President of the Salone del Mobile; Luigi Sbarra, Secretary General of Cisl; Adolfo Urso, Minister of Enterprises and Made in Italy. Introduction by Luciano Fontana, Director of Corriere della Sera.
The Italian government recognizes that the development of Made in Italy, both nationally and internationally, is guaranteed by the supply chains composed of large companies capable of operating globally, involving small and medium local enterprises with high production capacity. This combined system favors the development of Made in Italy. However, the current trend of involving poorly controlled foreign productions puts working conditions at risk. Development on Italian territory would allow greater control of the supply chain and higher quality, although at higher costs. The issue of subcontracting often delegates responsibilities to small companies that may not fully comply with the standards. It is essential to identify what makes Made in Italy of quality and sanction those who do not respect labor rules, as the focus remains on the dignity of work.
Francesco Maria Chelli, President of ISTAT; Andrea Dellabianca, President of the Compagnia delle Opere; Maria Porro, President of the Salone del Mobile; Luigi Sbarra, Secretary General of Cisl; Adolfo Urso, Minister of Enterprises and Made in Italy. Introduction by Luciano Fontana, Director of Corriere della Sera.
The Italian government recognizes that the development of Made in Italy, both nationally and internationally, is guaranteed by the supply chains composed of large companies capable of operating globally, involving small and medium local enterprises with high production capacity. This combined system favors the development of Made in Italy. However, the current trend of involving poorly controlled foreign productions puts working conditions at risk. Development on Italian territory would allow greater control of the supply chain and higher quality, although at higher costs. The issue of subcontracting often delegates responsibilities to small companies that may not fully comply with the standards. It is essential to identify what makes Made in Italy of quality and sanction those who do not respect labor rules, as the focus remains on the dignity of work.
Joseph Weiler, University Professor at NYU Law School and Senior Fellow at the Center for European Studies at Harvard. Introduction by Stefano Alberto, Professor of Theology, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan
The Promised Land in biblical thought is not just a territory. It is a metaphor for the essence of life. The search for the Promised Land, the journey to the Promised Land, is not geographical. It is not limited in time and space. It is a spiritual exploration, a journey that accompanies a person from birth to death.
The Promised Land in biblical thought is not just a territory. It is a metaphor for the essence of life. The search for the Promised Land, the journey to the Promised Land, is not geographical. It is not limited in time and space. It is a spiritual exploration, a journey that accompanies a person from birth to death.
Gianna Elisa Berlingerio, Director of the Economic Development Department of the Puglia Region; Marco Bernardi, President of Illumia; Fabrizio Iaccarino, Head of Institutional Affairs Italy at Enel; Gaetano Mazzitelli, Chief Commercial & Regulatory Officer di Snam; Carla Napolitano, Head of Innovation within the Strategy, Digital, and Sustainability Department at Terna Group; Mario Antonio Scino, Chief of Staff of the Minister of Environment and Energy Security. Introduction by Giuliano Frosini, Professor at Luiss Guido Carli
The global energy crisis has highlighted the resilience problem of the current energy system to geopolitical shocks. In this context, the role of our country proves potentially decisive, especially from a European perspective, with the current executive's goal of making Italy the energy hub of the Mediterranean. Moreover, these shocks have occurred within a challenging energy transition process, where the role of gas as a bridge fuel will be necessary, but at the same time, an increase in demand for raw materials necessary to achieve environmental goals is foreseeable. In this sense, only states capable of linking to the new supply chain for the transition will bear lower costs; others, on the contrary, will fall behind and pay much higher prices.
The global energy crisis has highlighted the resilience problem of the current energy system to geopolitical shocks. In this context, the role of our country proves potentially decisive, especially from a European perspective, with the current executive's goal of making Italy the energy hub of the Mediterranean. Moreover, these shocks have occurred within a challenging energy transition process, where the role of gas as a bridge fuel will be necessary, but at the same time, an increase in demand for raw materials necessary to achieve environmental goals is foreseeable. In this sense, only states capable of linking to the new supply chain for the transition will bear lower costs; others, on the contrary, will fall behind and pay much higher prices.
Roberto Garofoli, President of Section of the Council of State; Ernesto Maria Ruffini, Director of the Revenue Agency; Giuseppe Tripoli, Secretary General of Unioncamere. Moderation by Emmanuele Forlani, Director of the Meeting Foundation for Friendship among Peoples ETS
Most of the time, in both public and private dialogues, the term public administration assumes a negative connotation. Nouns like bureaucracy, control, inspection, authorization, permit, concession (etc.) do not arouse great sympathy among citizens and businesses. The state's administration, however, has the task of translating political decisions into operational ones; it is moreover constituted by different dimensions, from the central to the peripheral level, closer to the citizen. The capacity of PA managers thus also depends on the most constructive aspects of social and economic life in a territory. The attractiveness of a territory, the reliability of a central or peripheral structure, attention to the person, and growth are central elements for good administration. We will ask our interlocutors to testify how the "good face of PA" can emerge.
Most of the time, in both public and private dialogues, the term public administration assumes a negative connotation. Nouns like bureaucracy, control, inspection, authorization, permit, concession (etc.) do not arouse great sympathy among citizens and businesses. The state's administration, however, has the task of translating political decisions into operational ones; it is moreover constituted by different dimensions, from the central to the peripheral level, closer to the citizen. The capacity of PA managers thus also depends on the most constructive aspects of social and economic life in a territory. The attractiveness of a territory, the reliability of a central or peripheral structure, attention to the person, and growth are central elements for good administration. We will ask our interlocutors to testify how the "good face of PA" can emerge.
S.E. Mons. Massimo Camisasca, Bishop Emeritus of Reggio Emilia; Giancarlo Cesana, Honorary Professor of General and Applied Hygiene, University of Milan Bicocca. Introduction by Francesco Ferrari, priest of the Fraternity of St. Charles Borromeo
In collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Antonio Tajani, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation; S.E. Mons. Vincenzo Paglia, President of the Pontifical Academy for Life. Introduction and moderation by Bernhard Scholz, President of the Meeting Foundation for Friendship among Peoples ETS
A unique opportunity for constructive confrontation and shared reflection on crucial issues related to peace and international cooperation, with the aim of promoting greater mutual understanding and identifying concrete actions to build a safer and more supportive world. From the Meeting, a message will be launched to the entire world: a message of friendship among peoples, essential today more than ever.
Antonio Tajani, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation; S.E. Mons. Vincenzo Paglia, President of the Pontifical Academy for Life. Introduction and moderation by Bernhard Scholz, President of the Meeting Foundation for Friendship among Peoples ETS
A unique opportunity for constructive confrontation and shared reflection on crucial issues related to peace and international cooperation, with the aim of promoting greater mutual understanding and identifying concrete actions to build a safer and more supportive world. From the Meeting, a message will be launched to the entire world: a message of friendship among peoples, essential today more than ever.
Marco Ceresa, Group CEO Randstad; Rita Ghedini, Member of the National Presidency of Legacoop with a mandate for Good Cooperative Work; Enrico Giovannini, Economist and Statistician, Co-founder and Scientific Director of ASVIS, President of the Scientific Committee of Randstad Research; Mario Mezzanzanica, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Milan Bicocca, Department of Work of the Foundation for Subsidiarity; Tiziana Nisini, Vice President of the XI Commission on Public and Private Employment. Moderation by Giorgio Vittadini, President of the Foundation for Subsidiarity.
Change is a constant in professional life, influenced by mega trends such as globalization, technological innovation, demographics, and ecological transition, as well as phenomena like the "great resignation" and the "great reshuffle." People seek better working conditions, which include a better work-life balance and career advancement opportunities. The research by Randstad Research and the Foundation for Subsidiarity analyzes the factors and potential interventions that qualify and respond to the desire to find a proper balance between personal and work life, while at the same time, the factors that enable the development of professionalism.
Change is a constant in professional life, influenced by mega trends such as globalization, technological innovation, demographics, and ecological transition, as well as phenomena like the "great resignation" and the "great reshuffle." People seek better working conditions, which include a better work-life balance and career advancement opportunities. The research by Randstad Research and the Foundation for Subsidiarity analyzes the factors and potential interventions that qualify and respond to the desire to find a proper balance between personal and work life, while at the same time, the factors that enable the development of professionalism.
Paolo Benanti, Professor at the Pontifical Gregorian University of Rome, expert in bioethics, technology ethics, and human adaptation, member of the New Artificial Intelligence Advisory Board of the UN, President of the Commission for Artificial Intelligence; Mario Rasetti, Emeritus Professor of Theoretical Physics at the Polytechnic University of Turin and President of the Scientific Board of CENTAI; Luca Tagliaretti, Executive Director of the European Competence Center on Cybersecurity. Introduction by Andrea Simoncini, Vice President of the Meeting Foundation for Friendship among Peoples ETS, Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Florence
Will Artificial Intelligence change the world? And if it does, will it change it for better or for worse? This question is now at the top of all political, economic, moral, and legal agendas on our planet. Pope Francis himself dedicated his message for peace this year to the theme of AI and reiterated his thoughts before the heads of state of the G7 in Puglia. Like any novelty produced by human ingenuity, AI can be a factor of growth and development but, at the same time, like any occasion when human power grows, it requires proportional responsibility.
With the support of the Emilia-Romagna Region.
Will Artificial Intelligence change the world? And if it does, will it change it for better or for worse? This question is now at the top of all political, economic, moral, and legal agendas on our planet. Pope Francis himself dedicated his message for peace this year to the theme of AI and reiterated his thoughts before the heads of state of the G7 in Puglia. Like any novelty produced by human ingenuity, AI can be a factor of growth and development but, at the same time, like any occasion when human power grows, it requires proportional responsibility.
With the support of the Emilia-Romagna Region.
Paul W. Kahn, Robert W. Winner Professor of Law and the Humanities, Yale Law School, author of Democracy in Our America, Yale University Press; Joseph Weiler, University Professor at NYU Law School and Senior Fellow at the Center for European Studies at Harvard. Video intervention from the United States by Maurizio Molinari, Director of La Repubblica. Introduced by Mattia Ferraresi, Chief Editor of Domani
American democracy seems to be going through a phase of crisis, marked by the polarization of political discourse, the difficulty of finding areas for dialogue, and even the legitimization of violence as a method for resolving social conflicts. The root of these pathologies does not lie only in the inadequacy of the ruling class or in a general disaffection of citizens for the debate. Feeding the wound is the disengagement from the places that form the fabric of civic life. The thinning out of participation transforms a community of people into aggregates of solitary and uprooted individuals, thus exposed to the false promises of ideology and the noise of propaganda.
American democracy seems to be going through a phase of crisis, marked by the polarization of political discourse, the difficulty of finding areas for dialogue, and even the legitimization of violence as a method for resolving social conflicts. The root of these pathologies does not lie only in the inadequacy of the ruling class or in a general disaffection of citizens for the debate. Feeding the wound is the disengagement from the places that form the fabric of civic life. The thinning out of participation transforms a community of people into aggregates of solitary and uprooted individuals, thus exposed to the false promises of ideology and the noise of propaganda.
Evandro Agazzi, Italian philosopher and logician; Carlo Bellieni, Professor of Pediatrics, University of Siena; Pier Francesco Ferrari, Director of the Marc Jeannerod Institute of Cognitive Sciences, CNRS, Lyon; Lourdes Velazquez, Professor of Philosophy and Bioethics, Panamerican University (Mexico). Introduced by Letizia Bardazzi, President of the Italian Association of Cultural Centers
Can the environment interfere with DNA? Is there an adaptation to the environment that acts on the genome? And what are the consequences in the onset of tumors and other diseases? Many phenomena in nature show that mutations do not occur only by chance, struggle, and selection but also by adaptability, acceptance, and altruism.
Can the environment interfere with DNA? Is there an adaptation to the environment that acts on the genome? And what are the consequences in the onset of tumors and other diseases? Many phenomena in nature show that mutations do not occur only by chance, struggle, and selection but also by adaptability, acceptance, and altruism.
Organized by the Foundation for Subsidiarity
Mario Abbadessa, Senior Managing Director & Country Head of Hines Italy; Gian Carlo Blangiardo, Professor of Demography, University of Milan Bicocca; Mauro Billetta, Parish Priest in Palermo; Gaetano Manfredi, Mayor of Naples; Monica Poletto, Coordinator of the Technical Legislative Table Forum Terzo Settore. Moderated by Enrico Castelli and Irene Elisei
The second episode of the Talk highlights the possible contribution of the Third Sector in the provision of public utility services to the person. The collaboration between public and private non-profit organizations, with initiatives linked to the territory and the community, are already a fundamental resource to be investigated.
Mario Abbadessa, Senior Managing Director & Country Head of Hines Italy; Gian Carlo Blangiardo, Professor of Demography, University of Milan Bicocca; Mauro Billetta, Parish Priest in Palermo; Gaetano Manfredi, Mayor of Naples; Monica Poletto, Coordinator of the Technical Legislative Table Forum Terzo Settore. Moderated by Enrico Castelli and Irene Elisei
The second episode of the Talk highlights the possible contribution of the Third Sector in the provision of public utility services to the person. The collaboration between public and private non-profit organizations, with initiatives linked to the territory and the community, are already a fundamental resource to be investigated.
Interview by Massimo Granieri with Noemi Serracini
The life stories of ten music stars mix with their inner and spiritual paths. Noemi Serracini tells how and to what extent art is a means of listening to the deepest meditative and spiritual dimension of every person. Through the experiences of George Harrison, Patti Smith, Leonard Cohen, Joni Mitchell, Bob Dylan, Tori Amos, Yusuf/Cat Stevens, Sinéad O’Connor, Nick Cave, and PJ Harvey.
The life stories of ten music stars mix with their inner and spiritual paths. Noemi Serracini tells how and to what extent art is a means of listening to the deepest meditative and spiritual dimension of every person. Through the experiences of George Harrison, Patti Smith, Leonard Cohen, Joni Mitchell, Bob Dylan, Tori Amos, Yusuf/Cat Stevens, Sinéad O’Connor, Nick Cave, and PJ Harvey.
Vincenzo Bassi, President of the Federation of Catholic Family Associations (FAFCE); Fabiola Bianchi, Association of Pope John XXIII; Mariolina Ceriotti Migliarese, Child Neuropsychiatrist and Psychotherapist; Matteo Fadda, President of the Association of the Community of Pope John XXIII; Jean-Luc Moens, Community of Emmanuel. Introduced by Luca Sommacal, President of the Association Families for Welcome
Given the historical contingencies, it is essential to represent the family as the primary place for building peace that arises from living a dimension of acceptance of the other's diversity, which manifests itself in the experience of forgiveness. This experience lived in the family can affect and extend to social and political contexts and thus have an impact on history. The stories of families grafted into solidarity networks testify to this novelty.
Given the historical contingencies, it is essential to represent the family as the primary place for building peace that arises from living a dimension of acceptance of the other's diversity, which manifests itself in the experience of forgiveness. This experience lived in the family can affect and extend to social and political contexts and thus have an impact on history. The stories of families grafted into solidarity networks testify to this novelty.
Antonello Aurigemma, President of the Regional Council of Lazio; S.E. Mons. Rino Fisichella, Pro-Prefect of the Dicastery for Evangelization, responsible for the Jubilee 2025; Marco Girardo, Director of Avvenire; Paolo Giuntarelli, Director of the Regional Directorate for Presidential Affairs, Tourism, Cinema, Audiovisual and Sport of the Lazio Region; Roberto Gualtieri, Extraordinary Commissioner for Jubilee 2025 and Mayor of Rome Capital; Danilo Zardin, Professor of Modern History, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan. Introduced by Vincenzo Morgante, Director of Tv2000.
The Jubilee of 2025 puts the issue of hope back at the center as an anchor of trust that can help not to be overwhelmed by the fears and difficulties looming on the horizon of our future. It is an invitation to a change of mentality that challenges the conscience of every individual. But as the exhibition "Jubilees. The forgiveness that gives back life" documents, the fragility and desire for the good of every self refers to the way of managing relationships with everyone. It questions our capacity for hospitality, solicits the will to mend the conflicts that tear the fabric of human society.
With the support of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart
The Jubilee of 2025 puts the issue of hope back at the center as an anchor of trust that can help not to be overwhelmed by the fears and difficulties looming on the horizon of our future. It is an invitation to a change of mentality that challenges the conscience of every individual. But as the exhibition "Jubilees. The forgiveness that gives back life" documents, the fragility and desire for the good of every self refers to the way of managing relationships with everyone. It questions our capacity for hospitality, solicits the will to mend the conflicts that tear the fabric of human society.
With the support of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart
Mishy Harman, founder, director, and voice of Israel Story, Israel's most famous podcast; Federica Sasso, journalist, operator at the Rossing Center for Education and Dialogue. Introduced by Mattia Ferraresi, Chief Editor of Domani
Mishy Harman is the founder and voice of Israel Story, the most listened to Israeli podcast in the world, which has been collecting the extraordinary stories of ordinary Israelis for 13 years. Federica Sasso is Italian, but has been living in Jerusalem for years, where she works for the Rossing Center for Education and Dialogue, an NGO composed of Israelis and Palestinians committed to building a more just and inclusive society. Together they will share their life and work experiences in Jerusalem during this time of war.
Mishy Harman is the founder and voice of Israel Story, the most listened to Israeli podcast in the world, which has been collecting the extraordinary stories of ordinary Israelis for 13 years. Federica Sasso is Italian, but has been living in Jerusalem for years, where she works for the Rossing Center for Education and Dialogue, an NGO composed of Israelis and Palestinians committed to building a more just and inclusive society. Together they will share their life and work experiences in Jerusalem during this time of war.
Andrea Bellantone, professore di Filosofia moderna e contemporanea, Institut Catholique de Toulouse; Costantino Esposito, professore di Storia della filosofia, Università Aldo Moro, Bari. Modera Davide Perillo, giornalista
Cercare il senso di sé e del reale non è un’attività tra le tante nella vita degli esseri umani, ma costituisce la “postura” fondamentale del nostro stare al mondo. La ricerca dell’essenziale non è mai compiuta una volta per tutte, né può accontentarsi di spiegazioni teoriche stereotipate, ma è una domanda ogni volta riaccesa dall’impatto con la realtà. E le risposte essenziali, da parte loro, non annullano mai queste domande: al contrario, le riaprono continuamente, proprio per poter scoprire e riscoprire il senso nelle pieghe dell’esperienza quotidiana.
Cercare il senso di sé e del reale non è un’attività tra le tante nella vita degli esseri umani, ma costituisce la “postura” fondamentale del nostro stare al mondo. La ricerca dell’essenziale non è mai compiuta una volta per tutte, né può accontentarsi di spiegazioni teoriche stereotipate, ma è una domanda ogni volta riaccesa dall’impatto con la realtà. E le risposte essenziali, da parte loro, non annullano mai queste domande: al contrario, le riaprono continuamente, proprio per poter scoprire e riscoprire il senso nelle pieghe dell’esperienza quotidiana.
Stefano Facchini, Professor of Astrophysics, University of Milan, Italy; Ewine van Dishoeck, Professor of Molecular Astrophysics at Leiden Observatory, Netherlands. Introduced by Marco Bersanelli, Professor of Astrophysics, University of Milan, Italy
One of the most fascinating areas of contemporary astrophysics is understanding how the laws of nature and the physical and chemical conditions of the universe have led to the formation of the Earth, the solar system, and the countless planetary systems around distant stars. Thanks to new instruments from both the ground and space, we are now able to directly observe the birth of new planets and gather detailed information about the surprising variety and richness that characterize planetary systems outside our solar system. Guided by two of the leading figures in the field at an international level, we will be introduced to some recent discoveries, thanks to which we are beginning to understand the process of the birth and evolution of planets, thereby also broadening our perspective on the origins of the planet we inhabit.
One of the most fascinating areas of contemporary astrophysics is understanding how the laws of nature and the physical and chemical conditions of the universe have led to the formation of the Earth, the solar system, and the countless planetary systems around distant stars. Thanks to new instruments from both the ground and space, we are now able to directly observe the birth of new planets and gather detailed information about the surprising variety and richness that characterize planetary systems outside our solar system. Guided by two of the leading figures in the field at an international level, we will be introduced to some recent discoveries, thanks to which we are beginning to understand the process of the birth and evolution of planets, thereby also broadening our perspective on the origins of the planet we inhabit.
In collaboration with CIHEAM Bari and CUAMM-Medici con l’Africa and Save The Children
Dante Carraro, Director of the NGO Doctors with Africa CUAMM; Biagio Di Terlizzi, Deputy Director of CIHEAM BARI; Daniela Fatarella, General Director of Save The Children – Italy. Testimony of Bernard Kakala,CUAMM doctor at the chronic disease clinic of Tosamaganga Hospital – Tanzania.. Moderated by Stefano Gatti, Director General for Development Cooperation
In the African continent, non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases are on the rise due to unhealthy eating behaviors and lifestyles, including dietary imbalances caused by foods of poor nutritional value and excessive carbohydrates (WHO, 2022). This is a significant challenge for the sustainable growth of the African continent and the health of its population. In this context, international development cooperation can play a crucial role by bringing together knowledge and expertise in the medical and agricultural fields. The re-discovery of traditional agricultural products, considered more nutritious and resilient to climate change, the higher nutraceutical value of traditional recipes, the adoption of healthier and more balanced diets, as well as the prevention and treatment of diseases are all aspects that – if addressed holistically – can improve the health conditions and well-being of rural communities in Africa, particularly those that are fragile and vulnerable. At the same time, strengthening the food-health nexus can help address the main challenges for children's food security and their growth. CIHEAM Bari, Doctors with Africa CUAMM, and Save the Children Italy will discuss these issues together.
Dante Carraro, Director of the NGO Doctors with Africa CUAMM; Biagio Di Terlizzi, Deputy Director of CIHEAM BARI; Daniela Fatarella, General Director of Save The Children – Italy. Testimony of Bernard Kakala,CUAMM doctor at the chronic disease clinic of Tosamaganga Hospital – Tanzania.. Moderated by Stefano Gatti, Director General for Development Cooperation
In the African continent, non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases are on the rise due to unhealthy eating behaviors and lifestyles, including dietary imbalances caused by foods of poor nutritional value and excessive carbohydrates (WHO, 2022). This is a significant challenge for the sustainable growth of the African continent and the health of its population. In this context, international development cooperation can play a crucial role by bringing together knowledge and expertise in the medical and agricultural fields. The re-discovery of traditional agricultural products, considered more nutritious and resilient to climate change, the higher nutraceutical value of traditional recipes, the adoption of healthier and more balanced diets, as well as the prevention and treatment of diseases are all aspects that – if addressed holistically – can improve the health conditions and well-being of rural communities in Africa, particularly those that are fragile and vulnerable. At the same time, strengthening the food-health nexus can help address the main challenges for children's food security and their growth. CIHEAM Bari, Doctors with Africa CUAMM, and Save the Children Italy will discuss these issues together.
Organized by Compagnia delle Opere (education)
Luigi Ceriani, psychologist and psychotherapist, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan; Federico Pichetto, director of the theological training school, Diocese of Chiavari. Moderated by Emiliano Monzani, psychiatrist and psychotherapist, Director of Psychiatry 1, Asst Bergamo Ovest.
The emergence of distress among adolescents and young people is an expression of a broader crisis, linked to the epochal change of recent decades and the associated educational, social, and cultural factors. The prevention of disorders is not only a clinical issue but concerns the community, family, school, and social network. More than a general discussion on the topic, the experience of those who are in the field, educating, accompanying, and caring for young people, with their need for meaning, often in the shadows, in the gray area between distress and disorder, is interesting. Meeting young people also raises the issue of competence, which is relevant both for the available professional and for any adult figure capable of listening.
Luigi Ceriani, psychologist and psychotherapist, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan; Federico Pichetto, director of the theological training school, Diocese of Chiavari. Moderated by Emiliano Monzani, psychiatrist and psychotherapist, Director of Psychiatry 1, Asst Bergamo Ovest.
The emergence of distress among adolescents and young people is an expression of a broader crisis, linked to the epochal change of recent decades and the associated educational, social, and cultural factors. The prevention of disorders is not only a clinical issue but concerns the community, family, school, and social network. More than a general discussion on the topic, the experience of those who are in the field, educating, accompanying, and caring for young people, with their need for meaning, often in the shadows, in the gray area between distress and disorder, is interesting. Meeting young people also raises the issue of competence, which is relevant both for the available professional and for any adult figure capable of listening.
Organized by Tracce
In collaboration with Avsi
Dialogue with Caterina Candolo, Head of Avsi Point in Palermo; Elena Ricci, Community Engagement Avsi; Simona Sirena, Head of Avsi Point in Rimini. Moderated by Mariacqua Simi, Journalist of Tracce
CL movement has always proposed the "charitable work" as one of the foundations of its educational path. We meet the stories of those who dedicate their free time to an act of gratuity such as the Tende Campaign: what is the benefit for their own life? And how does it impact society?
In collaboration with Avsi
Dialogue with Caterina Candolo, Head of Avsi Point in Palermo; Elena Ricci, Community Engagement Avsi; Simona Sirena, Head of Avsi Point in Rimini. Moderated by Mariacqua Simi, Journalist of Tracce
CL movement has always proposed the "charitable work" as one of the foundations of its educational path. We meet the stories of those who dedicate their free time to an act of gratuity such as the Tende Campaign: what is the benefit for their own life? And how does it impact society?
Organized by Compagnia delle Opere
Andrea Dellabianca, President of Compagnia delle Opere; Davide Prosperi, President of Fraternity of Communion and Liberation. Introduced by Giuseppe Frangi, journalist of Vita
“Compagnia delle Opere” is a fascinating name that sometimes gets overshadowed by the acronym Cdo. A galaxy of Works in company that aims to highlight a concept where the entrepreneur is not a lone man in charge but part of a history. Being in company is not just the result of a good and concrete solidarity perspective, as documented by the episode of the Alcamo cooperative, which is at the origin of the history of Compagnia delle Opere; being in company also means being reminded every moment of the meaning of action, the ultimate purpose of what one does. It is that "essential" proposed in the title of this year’s Meeting and that comes into play even in the daily and concrete dimension of a reality like Compagnia delle Opere.
Andrea Dellabianca, President of Compagnia delle Opere; Davide Prosperi, President of Fraternity of Communion and Liberation. Introduced by Giuseppe Frangi, journalist of Vita
“Compagnia delle Opere” is a fascinating name that sometimes gets overshadowed by the acronym Cdo. A galaxy of Works in company that aims to highlight a concept where the entrepreneur is not a lone man in charge but part of a history. Being in company is not just the result of a good and concrete solidarity perspective, as documented by the episode of the Alcamo cooperative, which is at the origin of the history of Compagnia delle Opere; being in company also means being reminded every moment of the meaning of action, the ultimate purpose of what one does. It is that "essential" proposed in the title of this year’s Meeting and that comes into play even in the daily and concrete dimension of a reality like Compagnia delle Opere.
Organized by Tracce
Dialogue with Claudio Burgio, Chaplain of the Juvenile Prison Beccaria in Milan and Paolo Tosoni, Criminal Lawyer. Moderated by Davide Perillo, Journalist
A journey into the experience of those who deal every day with the need for justice, prison, pain, and reconciliation. Because the discovery of freedom and forgiveness is vital: for those who are "inside" and those who are "outside".
Dialogue with Claudio Burgio, Chaplain of the Juvenile Prison Beccaria in Milan and Paolo Tosoni, Criminal Lawyer. Moderated by Davide Perillo, Journalist
A journey into the experience of those who deal every day with the need for justice, prison, pain, and reconciliation. Because the discovery of freedom and forgiveness is vital: for those who are "inside" and those who are "outside".
Organized by Cdo (education)
Emanuele Frontoni, Professor of Computer Science at the University of Macerata, and Co-Director of VRAI (Vision Robotics & Artificial Intelligence Lab); Pier Cesare Rivoltella, Professor of Didactics and Educational Technologies at the University of Bologna, Founder and President of SIREM (Italian Society for Research on Media Education). Moderated by Paolo M.G. Maino, School Principal and Head of Training at the DiSAL Association.
Artificial intelligence is already changing the way schools operate and can help teachers respond to the needs of students. What impact does AI-mediated technology have on students' ability to study, reason, and develop critical thinking? What is the challenge that school leaders, educators, and students are called to face?
Emanuele Frontoni, Professor of Computer Science at the University of Macerata, and Co-Director of VRAI (Vision Robotics & Artificial Intelligence Lab); Pier Cesare Rivoltella, Professor of Didactics and Educational Technologies at the University of Bologna, Founder and President of SIREM (Italian Society for Research on Media Education). Moderated by Paolo M.G. Maino, School Principal and Head of Training at the DiSAL Association.
Artificial intelligence is already changing the way schools operate and can help teachers respond to the needs of students. What impact does AI-mediated technology have on students' ability to study, reason, and develop critical thinking? What is the challenge that school leaders, educators, and students are called to face?
Organized by Tracce
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Communion and Liberation magazine, a dialogue on its history with Alberto Savorana, Director of the magazine from 1994 to 2008, and Paolo Cevoli, Actor and Screenwriter.
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Communion and Liberation magazine, a dialogue on its history with Alberto Savorana, Director of the magazine from 1994 to 2008, and Paolo Cevoli, Actor and Screenwriter.
2024 film, directed by Alejandro Gómez Monteverde.
Maria Francesca Cabrini, born in 1850, was a religious and missionary known as Frances Xavier Cabrini. Sent by Pope Leo XIII to New York to assist the waves of Italian immigrants flooding Ellis Island, she proved to be extremely shrewd and determined. Highly skilled at opening hearts and wallets, she managed to found numerous hospitals and orphanages dedicated to Italian-Americans. She was the first American citizen to be canonized, in 1946. The cast includes well-known actors: Cristiana Dell'Anna, Giancarlo Giannini, David Morse, and John Lithgow. In collaboration with AIC (Italian Association of Cultural Centers) and Dominus Production.
Tickets by invitation, more information by writing to the email segreteria@centriculturali.org
Maria Francesca Cabrini, born in 1850, was a religious and missionary known as Frances Xavier Cabrini. Sent by Pope Leo XIII to New York to assist the waves of Italian immigrants flooding Ellis Island, she proved to be extremely shrewd and determined. Highly skilled at opening hearts and wallets, she managed to found numerous hospitals and orphanages dedicated to Italian-Americans. She was the first American citizen to be canonized, in 1946. The cast includes well-known actors: Cristiana Dell'Anna, Giancarlo Giannini, David Morse, and John Lithgow. In collaboration with AIC (Italian Association of Cultural Centers) and Dominus Production.
Tickets by invitation, more information by writing to the email segreteria@centriculturali.org
Admission fee - Buy tickets
"Acqua" is a tragicomedy in a single act. In an imaginary seaside town, with a dam rising behind it, it has been raining non-stop for days. In the bar of the main square, a group of friends take refuge and get lost in chatter, amid small spites and gossip, while the water level on the streets rises inexorably. The group is joined by the town's dignitaries, mainly concerned with calming people down about the water threat. Bar chatter turns into accusations and fake news. In a progression of increasingly frantic speeches and events, lies quickly become ideology. And everyone must decide their own destiny. Directed by Nicola Abbatangelo. Dramaturgy by Giovanni Maddalena, Giampiero Pizzol, and Nicola Abbatangelo. Music by Fabrizio Mancinelli. With Elisabetta Tulli, Andrea Maria Carabelli, Giampiero Pizzol, Giampiero Bartolini, Matteo Bonanni, Gianluca Reggiani, Daniele Romualdi, Laura Berardi, Diego Becce. Scenes by Annalisa di Giuli. Lights and Audio by Mattia Silvagni, Matteo Dalmonte, Officinateatro Srl. Production by Wonderage Production srl and Compagnia Bella.
With the patronage of the Municipality of Rimini.
"Acqua" is a tragicomedy in a single act. In an imaginary seaside town, with a dam rising behind it, it has been raining non-stop for days. In the bar of the main square, a group of friends take refuge and get lost in chatter, amid small spites and gossip, while the water level on the streets rises inexorably. The group is joined by the town's dignitaries, mainly concerned with calming people down about the water threat. Bar chatter turns into accusations and fake news. In a progression of increasingly frantic speeches and events, lies quickly become ideology. And everyone must decide their own destiny. Directed by Nicola Abbatangelo. Dramaturgy by Giovanni Maddalena, Giampiero Pizzol, and Nicola Abbatangelo. Music by Fabrizio Mancinelli. With Elisabetta Tulli, Andrea Maria Carabelli, Giampiero Pizzol, Giampiero Bartolini, Matteo Bonanni, Gianluca Reggiani, Daniele Romualdi, Laura Berardi, Diego Becce. Scenes by Annalisa di Giuli. Lights and Audio by Mattia Silvagni, Matteo Dalmonte, Officinateatro Srl. Production by Wonderage Production srl and Compagnia Bella.
With the patronage of the Municipality of Rimini.
A show to talk about romantic misunderstanding, about how those who love too often do not understand themselves or the other. To delve so much into the romantic drama that it becomes comic. A lot of laughter about sad things. There are songs that talk about love before love, the impossibility of dialogue, the end of the world, failed revolutions, alternating with stories of impossible loves and actions that suddenly subvert the order of things. A continuous dialogue with the audience, trying in vain to stop talking about love.